Two neighbouring properties are done with a modern, thin coat, silicone render system in Edinburgh.
System by
Works breakdown:
1. Hammer test / Hack off / Dubb out (all bosses areas)
2. Base coat by Multicontact MC55 base render
3. Fibreglass mesh to reinforce the structure
4. System fixings to tie the system to the substrate
5. 2nd pas of Multicontact MC55 to make it smooth
6. Coloured silicone primer
7. Coloured, thin coat, silicone render finish
8. Mastic sealant all around the system
plus extras:
9. Black paint to soffit/fascia boards, gutters and rainwater down pipes
10. Repair the missing parts of canopy roofs
11. Paint the windows cills, canopy roofs, brickwork walls and brickwork base course areas with silicone masonry paint.