It is so busy time in our trade, that we have no time to put some new updates about our projects done in Edinburgh, Glasgow and between during last few weeks.
There were few garages, few gable walls, smaller and larger domestics and many, many quotes.
That’s good!
That’s what we want and what we like 🙂
Here you have a photos from a bungalow recently completed with silicone render system by one of our teams.
House jumped few levels up and its value also rises proportionally up after works done.
Works breakdown:
1. Plants and weeds removal
2. Hammer test / Hacking-off / Dubbing-out
3. Fungicidal wash
4. Bonding agent
5. Beads and trims
6. Base coat adhesive render
7. Fibreglass, reinforcement mesh
8. 2nd pass of base coat adhesive render
9. Make it smooth
10. Silicone render primer
11. Silicone render top coat
12. Low modulus mastic sealants all around the system
13. Creation of base coaurse areas (sides and rear)
–beads and trims
–base adhesive coat render
–make it smooth
–2nd pass of base adhesive coat render
–silicone top coat render (to get the structure)
–silicone masonry paint (red)
14. Silicone masonry paint (red) to the basecourse area, soffit/fascia feature, capping stones (all chimneys), ridge tiles, facing bricks and windows cills all around the house
15. black paint to gutters, pipework, handrails etc.
16. some repairs for the roof, chimneys, flashings etc.
Clients more than happy.
So we are 🙂