
Silicone Render System – Strathaven

Thin coat Silicone Based Render System to 2 numbers of huge, new built, modern bungalows.
First of them has been completed by us almost a year ago, second one has been finished just before Easter 2023.

System included:
-bonding agent
-beads and trims
-base coat adhesive render
-reinforcement fibreglass mesh embedded in the base coat render
-2nd pass of base coat render (smoothing)
-coloured primer
-coloured silicone based render top-coat
-manual texturing
-mastic sealants around the system

Please note: the windows has been horribly messed by other “tradesmen” before us. Owner is hoping to clean the mortar and other stains from them without necessery of glass replacement.
We strongly advise all: ALWAYS use the proper protection stuff! And CAREFULLY VERIFY and select the contractors… 🙂